Science pedagogy 1

                                                  Science pedagogy -1

Science deals with the study of nature and natural phenomenon.  Science is a social endeavor and dynamic body of knowledge. Creation of knowledge in the domain of science is a product of human mind. It is a dynamic engagement of human with nature, natural world and how s/he perceives her environment and society, and what all social forces acting upon and interaction taking place. Like many other subjects creation of knowledge in science requires several skills like observation, classification, quantification, approximation, estimation, model building, data collection, representation, and analysis, making testable prediction, argumentation, logical thinking, creativity, visualization, and imagination etc. Knowledge in science is tentative and always open to change based on new evidences and findings.
At primary level the basic objective of science teaching is to arouse curiosity of children towards world around them and exploring the world around using cognitive and psycho motor skills. At this stage science and social science should be integrated as environment studies.
Constructing knowledge in science requires minute observation, generalization, abstraction, controlled experimentation, dealing with multiple variables etc. In primary level students do not have adequate cognitive readiness to engage with the discipline of science. However, it is possible to develop the general skills like observation, questioning, classification, pattern making, interaction with objects and material, carrying out guided investigations, discussion, group work, argumentation, listening to others views, recording and tabulation of data, making prediction, theory building etc. among students of primary classes.

At the upper primary level children should be engaged in learning principles of science through familiar experiences working with hands to design simple technological units and modules.
At this stage students can make plan to carry out some tasks, develop skills to perform basic mathematical operation, develop rich repertoire of nature and use of objects and materials around them, visualization etc. E.g. students can construct principle of lever, using simple technological units like lifting weights using pulley etc.
In upper primary classes developing scientific attitude and processed skills is primary aim of pedagogy.
 Scientific attitude senses questioning, expressing systematically, thinking and analysis open minded with honest intelligence, create prediction /assumption, perform activities /experiments to check their predictions/assumptions ,take direction from these and reach certain end keeping in the mind remain fair in all this process and ready for rejecting and accepting results, documented all systematically and go ahead for further endeavor.
Process skill senses making solid base of concepts with application and applied understanding, synchronizing concepts and uses these in problem solving and life skills, interpretation/explanation critically. Important is living with concept by performing it. (Concept + procedural learning + information =process skill)
At primary or upper primary level children learn in totality means dealing a single concept deeply is losing their concentration and seems heavy for them it is better deal thematically. Sometimes make jumps if possible in concepts making as they eager to know their scientific attitude is in process on forming. Themes are well designed in syllabus/curriculum like water, energy, food etc. We choose separately as per our situations only thing is learning science happened.
At the secondary classes the we be should able to engage the child in learning science as a composite discipline, working with hands and tools to design more advanced scientific modules than at the upper primary stage. They would be able to understand various concepts, principles and laws of science given in the curriculum appropriately. Stress should be given on comprehension not on simple formal definitions.
Rather than learning vast amounts of scientific information, children must learn how to do science. They must learn how to observe, how to create, how to come up with new ideas, how to analyze, how to evaluate, and how to create. They must be able to construct their own conceptualizations. They must be able to ferret out for themselves what is important and what is unimportant for them.
It is not necessary for teachers to clutter children’s minds with myriad facts, principles, and concepts to be learned under the mistaken impression that these are essential for survival in tomorrow’s (or today’s) society. Children must learn how to do science. Children learn developing concepts and how to develop process skill that is not only mental work but physical attempt also to comprehend concepts. Along with this attitude to do science, scientific attitude with process skill will be path of learning /doing science.  
aim to work with LA  from the document of National Research Council (1996) and National Curriculum Framework 2005 (NCERT, 2005). The aims are articulated below:
1.     LA would have strong, broad base of science content knowledge up to higher secondary level science topic,
2.     LA would  be acquainted with the nature of science and process of knowledge creation in science,
3.     LA would be informed about the nature of scientific inquiry, its central role in science, and how to use the skills and processes of scientific inquiry,
4.     LA would know the fundamental facts and core concepts in major science disciplines,
5.     LA would be able to make conceptual connections within and across science disciplines as well as mathematics, technology, and other school subjects and
6.     LA would be able to use principles of scientific inquiry while dealing with personal and societal issues.
Each LA holds beliefs, values, and assumptions about science teaching and learning that help guide their planning and instructions in classroom. It is important that any engagement with them should attempt to uncover their ideas, and then take actions consistent with them. This is possible only through information, transparency and a tolerance for multiple viewpoints.
 In a progressive forward-looking society, science can play a truly liberating role, helping people out of the vicious circle of poverty, ignorance and superstition. In a democratic political framework, the possible aberrations and misuse of science can be checked by the people themselves. Science, tempered with wisdom, is the surest and the only way to human welfare. This conviction provides the basic rationale for science education.
Next write up with activities/experiments will share soon.

Reference- NCF -05 position paper, UNECO hand book and curriculum document. 


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