Poet vs poem

Þdfo vkSj dforkß
tc feys rUgkbZ]
nnZ Hkh csbUrkg vk;s]
mldh vkg] tc&tc 'kksj epk;s]
'kCnksa esa tc] nnZ <y tk;s]
dHkh dfork] dHkh xty]
dHkh xhr cu tk;s]
?kqV&?kqV dj oks]
vk'kkvksa ds nhi tyk;sa]
mldk lk;k mlls gh drjk;s]
vf[k;ksa dks vkalq Hkh rjlk;sa]
fQj curh gS ,d dfork]
lkjs vkalq 'kCnksa esa <y tk;sa]
[kqn dk djrk gkysa c;ka tc]
egfQy ls gksdj nnZ xqtj tk;s]
mldk r:Uue] mudk r:Uuve]
,d gh lqj gks tk;s]
dksbZ uk <wa<s] 'kL= dksbZ]
gkjs] csclh lh Nk;s]
dksbZ 'kCnksa ls djrk c;ka]
vkSj dfo gks tk;s]
;s 'kCn gh mldh]
u;h lh nqfu;k]
u;k lQj vkSj u;k gelQj gks tk;s]
thou dks feyrh u;h lh eafty]
gkj Hkh thr ds jax esa jax tk;s]
viuh dfork ls]
oks [kqn ft;s vkSj vkSjksa dks thuk fl[kyk;s]
oks uhjlrk esa]
catjiu esa]
eqj>k;k Qwy f[kyk;s]
[kqn dks l`tu] feyk uk pkgs]
oks gh l`tudrkZ cu tk;s]
dfo dgs fQj viuh dfork]
mlds nq[k cu lkdh mlds]
mls [kks;s tgk¡ esa] rk:Q mls fnyk;s]
thou dyk ;s] la?k"kksZ dks thuk]

nnZ dHkh gks] rks D;k ,d dfork vkSj cu tk;sA


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