Subject free elementary education
Subject free elementary education
When we talk about how should be elementary education? First we
keep it in mind following questions:-
How does the child think? How does he speak? What are the
process of his reasoning?
As M. Cramaussel once truly remarked: “Thought in child
is like a net-work of tangled threads, which may break at any moment if one
tries to disentangle them.”
For James, Flournoy and Dewey it was the dynamic and pragmatic
tendency that counted; for Freud –it is psycho –analysis; for Durkheim the
recognition of the role played by social life in the formation of individual
mind. For Hall, Groos, Bint and the rest, genetic psychology propped up by a
biological conception of the child.
All above theories and work describe child and leads to subject
free elementary education. The child need to space to learn from his mistakes, can learn with his pace with his mood swings
, in nut shell he can choose to learn.
What is all about child desire from education? First they want
to know their surrounding better, second they want to know to enhance their
potential, thirdly they want to solve the real life problem and help others by
using their specific interest and skills.
School is not only mean of education but also an important tool
of education. School should be the place where child take continuous and
comprehensive education. School should be place where child have choices, can
be trailblazer.
We have to believe in innate capabilities of child to learn if
we don’t do so then we are putting only a stumbling block in their learning
process. If children are giving wrong answer, actually they are answering
different question. Sometimes they deliberately give wrong answer because they
have no interest in that boring lesson and apply escapism. In elementary
education language should be the prime vehicle riding on it they travel across
different subject.
Children live in totality of life. Their mussels, body and brain
work altogether. If we restrict any of them, they will stop doing work
completely. In my opinion we remove partially or completely this burden i.e. –
syllabus, then the process of learning will be refine. We should not divide
their ability into pieces as subject does. Subject free elementary teaching ,we
should not say teaching rather say subject free learning make an easy path way
on which children can move according to them.
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