what is all about education?
What is all about education?
What is all about education? It is always a question of
thousand dollar and never gets admirable answers. Thinkers, philosophers, educators and other
scholars touch its various dimensions and set its goal and its path accordingly.
As per me, Education is to produce, to cultivate, and to
sustain: good human being. Again debate can be without reaching its maturity
because perception of good human being is as dynamic as life herself. There are
certain similarities as well as gentle discrimination .So education is for
preparedness of human being fit in their surroundings and reasonable relevant
to others also.
It revolves always to develop his perception, his
synchronization with universe, in nut shell a well-balanced personality. Human
life is bio-psycho-social phenomena and derives meaning only in the context of
social living. The personality of an individual depends upon the pulls of the
internal and the environmental factor. The adjustment may generally be achieved
by a series of adaptions between the individual and his/her social
surroundings. The difficulty however arises when he/she lacks the ability to
change himself/herself to meet the conditions or when the situations are too
unyielding or too demanding. Education play a pivotal role here.
Education governs human needs.Phsiological needs to
self-actualization needs. Education mould the personality that is overall
picture of the characteristic behavior of the individual. Behavior includes
thinking, feeling, speaking and doing. Education should be to manage and develop
a good balance of the personality which consist of three system- id, ego and
super ego. The id is the most primitive part of the personality and is governed
by the pleasure principle. Ego makes it possible for the personality to
assimilate the different experiences of living, positive and negative, happy
and unhappy events, threats and fears, joys and sorrows. Ego gears our
personality to adept to the social environment which ultimately helps in growth
of an individual. Super ego is guided by certain principles and standards of
Education begin to develop balance among these and to
sustain it through life.
During the visit of Medak, I got the exposure of early
childhood and care in anganwadis. They are using their optimum resources,
children have freedom to develop their personality. Teachers are there in
different role as facilitator, mentor, enabler and guide. A bright start can
never be guarantee of happy ending. So I feel, we should be make such
institutions to help and nurture the human personality through all stage of
life. Ultimately we have to reach our destination: a just, humane, equitable
and sustainable society. Long miles to go………
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