
Showing posts from March, 2015

शिक्षक से एक मुलाक़ात

शिक्षक से एक मुलाक़ात जाहिल   हैं इनके अभिभावक , वो क्या जाने शिक्षा को , खुद कुछ न सीखा , इन्हे क्या सिखाएँगे , बुलाने से फायेदा   भी क्या है , यूं ही बड़ –बड़ करेंगे , कुछ तो चुप्पी ही नहीं तोड़ेंगे .......... ऐसी ही मिलती जुलती प्रीतिकिर्या थी , मेरे शिक्षित समाज के शिक्षा के ठेकेदारो की , जब मेने अनायास ही पूछ लिया था , अक्सर ही आप अभिभावकों से मिलने तो जाते होंगे ? कुछ सवाल इन ब्च्चों के लेकर , इनकी प्रगति पर कुछ   बातें होती तो होंगी ? मेरे इस सवाल से कुटिल सी मुस्कान चेहरे पर लिए , मुझे ऐसे देखा – जैसे मैं   भी फालतू , मेरा सवाल भी फालतू , मुझको कुछ वास्तविकता का ज्ञान नहीं हो जैसे ! शिक्षक जी आत्म –विश्वास से सरोवर हो बोले- ये आप भी जानते हो , ये हम भी जानते है , ये बच्चे न पढ़ पाएंगे , और न पढ़ाई इनके किसी काम की , हमारे चाहने से क्या होगा , शिक्षा है ही नहीं इनके नसीब की ! मेने पूछा – आप अपने स्तर पर तो कुछ प्रयास कर रहे होंगे ? उनका सटीक सा जबाब था , जब कोई पढ़ना ही न चाहेगा तो हमारे प्रयासो से क्या होगा ? सर ...

Difference Beetween Attraction and Love

We have seen that love or affectivity is the only valid motivation which can make sexuality becomes meaningful and satisfying to human beings. There seems to be a lot of misunderstanding with regard to the meaning of the reality we refer to as "love" . Some people believe that love is an instinct that comes and goes arbitrarily and that human beings do not have any control over it. Some people believe that only at the begging of marital life, love is going to  present between the husband and wife. All these people are certainly confused about the reality of love. They seen to be confused between two realities that may look alike, but are not the same. These two realities are 'liking' and 'loving'. To 'like' a person means to feel attracted to that  person - to feel  at home , relaxed with that person. When you like a person you are attracted to tyhat person. Thos is an instinctive reaction. In our nervous system. we can identify ine ststem as the ...

Good Teachrs

How we get good teachers? The alarming question is this, how can we get quality teacher? What is the standard of B.Ed. education? The reason according to me behind this, Youth are force to choose to be a teacher, it is not their aspiration. The pressure of unemployment and hunger of starting career as soon as possible .Being teacher is an easy and lucrative path now-a-days, this attract youth towards this noble profession. To be a teacher is least priority career as compare to other profession for example engineering, doctor, advocate  etc.. Any aspirant to be a teacher, will have to create a sense in them, their role to the nature of beauty of this profession. Mere explain the chapter and solving the problem is not teaching. Teacher teaches through his  behaviour , his attitude rather than his verbal communication. If we choose this noble profession then we should  mould  ourselves towards this profession and we have to change our perception of...